Hospital Patient Flow App

Our client is a leading Irish Hospital Group with over 6 major hospitals and 4,000 staff under management. We have developed, manage and operate a Patient Flow Analytics Platform group-wide.

The system comprises near real-time reporting, statistical modelling and forecasting of patient flows through the 6 hospitals, from the (ED) Emergency Department to eventual patient discharge.

Our application is a data analytics and bed management resource deployed across 300 users daily in hospital group in Ireland. It has proved exceptionally useful during Coivd-19 and is the single source of truth for the hospital group. The key to its success has been a support partnership ranesys has delivered 24/7 since 2012.


Functions reported and modeled for all 6 Saolta group hospitals:

  • Near real-time Emergency Department admissions and patient tracking

  • KPI management, reporting and monitoring for required wards and departments

  • Numbers of Patients in individual units

  • Discharge Rates Forecast for next 3 hours, interval ahead & next week

  • Multipe user access and permission levels

  • iPhone and Android native app with real-time statistical reporting

  • Tablet, Android and iPhone based Data input from the ward floor

  • Legacy systems integration

  • Training for Nursing staff & Clinical Directors

  • 24/7 support for Nursing and clinical staff in 6 hospitals

  • Realtime web publishing of live data

  • Six Sigma based Statistical Process Control analytics